Stanford EE267 - Virtual Reality
- 1. 01 Introduction and Overview
- 2. 02 The Graphics Pipeline and WebGL I: Overview and Transformations
- 3. 03 The Graphics Pipeline and WebGL II: Lighting and Shading, Fragment Processing
- 4. 04 The Graphics Pipeline and WebGL III: OpenGL Shading Language(GLSL 1.10)
- 5. 05 The Human Visual System
- 6. 06 The Graphics Pipeline and OpenGL IV: Stereo Rendering, Depth of Field Rendering, Multi-pass Rendering
- 7. 07 HMD Display Optics I
- 8. 08 Head Mounted Display Optics II
- 9. 09 Inertial Measurement Units I
- 10. 10 Inertial Measurement Units II
- 11. 11 Positional Tracking I
- 12. 12 Positional Tracking II
- 13. 13 Spatial Sound
- 14. 14 Haptics
- 15. 15 Panoramic Imaging and Cinematic VR
- 16. 16 VR Engines and Unity
Stanford EE267 学习笔记
History :
2017-04-03 基于 Spring 2017 的课件记录的笔记。
EE267是Stanford在2016年3月28第一次开设的关于Virtual Reality(VR)的课程,整个课程持续差不多2个月左右时间,每节课1个半小时,每周2节课,一共10周的课程,总计30小时 ….
Prerequisites: C++, MATH51, CS148, CS248
- Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 3rd
OpenGL and WebGL, real-time rendering, 3D display systems, display optics & electronics, IMUs and sensors, tracking, haptics, rendering pipeline, multimodal human perception and depth perception, stereo rendering, presence. Emphasis on VR technology.
01 Introduction and Overview
Oculus VR, Microsoft Hololens
simulation & training
visualization & entertainment
1968 Ivan Sutherland
I.Sutherland “A head-mounted three-dimensional display”, Fall Joint Computer Conference 1968
1995 Nintendo Virtual Boy
2012 Oculus Rift, Sony PS VR, Valve HTC Vive,
About EE267 - Goals
- understand fundamental concepts of VR and Computer Graphics
- Implement software + hardware of a head mounted display
- learn basic WebGL/JavaScript and Arduino programming
- build your own HMD
02 The Graphics Pipeline and WebGL I: Overview and Transformations
what is computer graphics
at the most basic level : conversion from 3D scene description to 2D image
what do you need to describe a static scene
- 3D geometry and transformations
- lights
- material properties
most common geometry primitives in graphics
- vertices(3D points) and normals(unit-length vector associated with vertex)
- triangles(set of 3 vertices, high-resolution 3D models have M or B of triangles)
the graphics pipeline
- geometry + transformations
- cameras and viewing
- lighting and shading
- rasterization
- texturing
SiliconGraphics history
- Stanford startup in 1981
- computer graphics goes hardware
- based on Jim Clark’s geometry engine
monolithic graphics workstations of the 80s have been replaced by modular GPUs(Graphics Processing Units),major companies: Nvidia, AMD, Intel
early versions of these GPUs implemented fixed-function rendering pipeline in hardware
GPUs have become programmable starting in the late 90s, in 2001 Nvidia Geforce 3 is first programmable shaders
OpenGL is our interface to the GPU
- JavaScript application programmer interface(API) for 2D and 3D graphics
- OpenGL ES 2.0 running in the browser, implemented by all modern browsers
- overview, tutorials, documentation:!
- cross-browser JavaScript library/API
- higher-level library that provides a lot of useful helper functions, tools, and abstractions around WebGL – easy and convenient to use
- great introduction (in WebGL):
The Graphics Pipeline :
需要反复阅读同时结合OpenGL实例去彻底理解,对于3D 图形学的开发至关重要。
Raw Vertices –Vertex Shader–> Transformed Vertices –Rasterizer–> Fragments –Fragment Shader –> Processed Fragments –Output Merging–> Pixels –> Display
Coordinate System
- Right hand coordinate system
- Object coordinates
- World coordinates
确定一个world center,其他物体相对坐标 - Viewing coordinates
- clip, normalized device, and window coordinates
- vertex = 3D pint(x,y,z)
- triangle = 3 vertices
- normal = 3D vecctor per vertex describing surface orientation
Vertex Transforms
3D Object经过MVP变换,最终以2D形式呈现在Display上
Model spaces – Model Transform –> World Space – View Transform –> Camera Space – Projection Transform –> Clipping-Volume Space –> NDC – Viewport Transform –> Screen Space –> Display
- Arrange the objects(or modles, or avatar) in the world(Model Transformation or World transformation)
- Position and orientation the camera(View transformation)
- Select a camrea lens(wide angle, normal or telescopic), adjust the focus length and zoom factor to set the camera’s field of view(Projection transformation)
- Print the photo on a selected area of the paper(Viewport transformation) - in rasterization stage
View Transform
- one simple 4x4 transfom matrix is sufficient to go from world space to view space
specify camera by eye position, reference position, up vector
怎么得到view transform matrix,还需要再查看更多的资料
Projection Transform - Perspective Projection
Perspective Projection : The camera’s view frustum is specified via 4 view parameters: fovy, aspect, zNear and zFar
- fovy: vertical angle in degress
- aspect: ratio of width/height
- zNear: near clipping plane
- zFar: far clipping plane
对于Screen Space,注意它的中心(原点)是在左上角,依然可以用(x,y,z)表示,只是所有的z为0.
- graphics pipeline is a series of operations that takes 3D vertices/normals/triangles as input and generates fragments and pixels
- transforms include: rotation, scale, translaton, perspective projection, perspective division, and viewport transform
- most transforms are represented as 4x4 matrices in homogeneous coordinates
03 The Graphics Pipeline and WebGL II: Lighting and Shading, Fragment Processing
The Rendering Equation(BRDFs)
Kajija “The Rendering Equation”, SIGGRAPH 1986
drop time, wavelength, emission & global illumination, we get a simple function
Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function(BRDF)
- many different BRDF modles exist: analytic, data driven
Acquired data, Ashikhmin, Blinn-Phong, Cook-Torrance, Lafortune, Ward - can approximate BRDF with a few simple components
Phong Lighting
- simple model for direct lighting
- ambient, diffuse, and specular
- requires:
material color for each of ambient, diffuse, specular
light color for each of ambient, diffuse, specular
this is a simple, but efficient lighting model, has been used by OpenGL for ~25 years
Phong Lighting: Ambient
- independent of light/surface position, viewer, normal
- basically adds some background color
Phong Lighting: Diffuse
- needs normal and light source direction
- adds intensity cos-falloff with incident angle
Phong Lighting: Specular
- needs normal, light & viewer direction
- models reflections = specular highlights
- shininess - exponent, larger for smaller highlights(more mirror-like surfaces)
Lighting vs Shading
Lighting : interaction between light and surface(e.g. using Phong lighting model)
shading: how to compute color of each fragment’
Flat shading
compute color only once per triangle
pro:usually fast to compute; con: fast creates a flat, unrealistic appearanceGourand shading(per-vertex shading)
compute color once per vertex
interpolate per-vertex colors to all fragments within the triangles
pro: usually fast-ish to compute; con: flat, unrealistic specular highlightsPhong shading(per-fragment shading - different from Phong lighting)
compute color once per fragment
need to interpolate per-vertex normals to all fragments to do the lighting calculation
pro:better appearance of specular highlights; con: usually slower to compute
Vertex and Fragment shaders
- shaders are small programs that are executed in parallel on the GPU for each vertex(vertex shader) or each fragment(fragment shader)
- vertex shader
modelview projection transform of vertex & normal - fragment shader
assign final color to each fragment
Fragment Processing
- lighting and shading(per-fragment)
- texture mapping
- fog calculations
- alpha blending
- hidden surface removal(using depth buffer)
- scissor test, stencil test, dithering, bitmasking, …
Texture Mapping
- texture = 2D image(e.g. RGBA)
- we want to use it as a “sticker” on our 3D surfaces
- mapping from vertex to position on texture(texture coordinates u,v)
04 The Graphics Pipeline and WebGL III: OpenGL Shading Language(GLSL 1.10)
The Rasterizer, two goals:
- determine which fragments are inside the primitives(triangles) and which ones aren’t
- interpolate per-vertex attributes(color, texture coordinates, normals, …) to each fragment in the primitive
vertex shader(executed for each vertex)
- transforms
- (per-vertex) lighting
input : vertex position, normal, color, material, texture coordinates; modelview matrix, projection matrix, normal matrix
output : transformed vertex position(in clip coords), texture coordinates
fragment shader(executed for each fragment)
- texturing
- (per-fragment) lighting
input: vertex position in window coords, texture coordinates
output: fragment color, fragment depth
Why Do We Need Shaders?
- massively parallel computing
- single instruction multiple data(SIMD) paradigm -> GPUs are designed to be parallel processors
- vertex shaders are independently executed for each vertex on GPU(in parallel)
- fragment shaders are independently executed for each fragment on GPU(in parallel)
- most important: vertex transforms and lighting & shading calculations
- shading: how to compute color of each fragment(e.g. interpolate colors)
OpenGL Shading Language(GLSL)
- high-level programming language for shaders
- syntax similar to C
- usually very short programs that are executed in parallel on GPU
05 The Human Visual System
这一章主要说明人眼的生物特性,包括Retina, FOV, Fovea,要深入的理解,需要进一步阅读相关书籍。
Retina VR Display - What does it take
need per eye : 150° x 135° with pixels covering 1 arc min = 9000 x 8100 pixels(probably 2-3x in practice) 150 x 60 = 9000
biggest challenge: bandwidth (9000 x 8100 x 4 x 90 = 24GB/s)
capture or render stereo panoramas or images at that resolution
compress and transmit huge amount of data
drive and operate display pixels
Foveated Rendering
- Guenter et al. 2016: split image into n layers, e.g. inner(foveal, 1), middle(2), outer(3)
- render image in each zone with progressively lower resolution
- goal: save computation
Depth Perception
- monocular cues : perspective, relative object size, absolute size, occlusion, accommodation, retinal blur, motion parallax, texture gradients, shading
- binocular cues : (con)vergence, disparity/parallax
binocular disparity, convergence, motion parallax, accommodation/blur
current : glasses-based (stereoscopic) displays
near-term : light field displays
longer-term : holographic displays
Stereoscopic Displays
Oculumotor Processes
Accommodation and Retinal Blur
- Visual Acuity: each photorecepter is ~1 arc min(1/60 of a degree) 也就是60 pixels/degree才能满足视网膜程度的视觉效果。
visual acuity varies over retina: can exploit via foveated rendering - field of view: ~190° monocular, ~120° binocular, ~135° vertical
- temporal resolution: ~60 Hz (depends on contrast, luminance)
- dynamic range: instantaneous 6.5 f-stops, adapt to 46.5 f-stops
- color: everything in the CIE xy diagram; distances are linear in CIE Lab
- depth cues in 3D displays: vergence, focus, conflicts, (dis)comfort
- accommodation range: ~8cm to ∞, degrades with age
References and Further Reading!
interesting textbooks on perception:
• Wandell, “Foundations of Vision”, Sinauer Associates,1995
• Howard, “Perceiving in Depth”, Oxford University Press, 2012
foveated rendering:
• Guenter, Finch, Drucker, Tan, Snyder “Foveated 3D Graphics”, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012
• Patney, Salvi, Kim, Kaplanyan, Wyman, Benty, Luebke, Lefohn “Towards Foveated Rendering for Gaze-Tracked Virtual Reality”, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2016
depth cues and more:
• Cutting & Vishton,” Perceiving layout and knowing distances: The interaction, relative potency, and contextual use of different information about depth”, Epstein and Rogers
(Eds.), Perception of space and motion, 1995
• Held, Cooper, O’Brien, Banks, “Using Blur to Affect Perceived Distance and Size”, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2010
• Hoffman and Banks, “Focus information is used to interpret binocular images”. Journal of Vision 10, 2010
• Hoffman, Girshick, Akeley, and Banks, “Vergence-accommodation conflicts hinder visual performance and cause visual fatigue”. Journal of Vision 8, 2008
• Huang, Chen, Wetzstein, “The Light Field Stereoscope”, ACM SIGGRAPH 2015
the retina, visual acuity, visual field
• Roorda, Williams, “The arrangement of the three cone classes in the living human eye”, Nature, Vol 397, 1999
• Snellen chart:
• Ruch and Fulton, Medical physiology and biophysics, 1960
contrast sensitivity function & hybrid images:
• Oliva, Torralba, Schyns, “Hybrid Images”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2006
• Spatio-temporal CSF: Kelly, Motion and Vision. II. Stabilized spatio-temporal threshold surface, Journal of the Optical Society of America,1979
06 The Graphics Pipeline and OpenGL IV: Stereo Rendering, Depth of Field Rendering, Multi-pass Rendering
演讲人是steve Mann,被称为The Father of The Wearable Computer可穿戴之父,也是Chief Scietist of Meta
Nvidia提出了Multi-Res Rendering的技术,在硬件层面提升效率
- stereo rendering with OpenGL
- offscreen frame buffers and multi-render passes
- anaglyph stereo rendering with GLSL
- depth of field rendering
Stereo Rendering with OpenGL/WebGL: View Matrix!
• need to modify view matrix and projection matrix!
• rendering pipeline does not change – only those two matrices!
• however: need to render two images in sequence (more details later)!
• look at view matrix first: THREE.Matrix4().lookAt(eye,center,up) !
• function is as useful as it has been, just need to adjust parameters!
IPD : interpupillary distance
Anaglyph with OpenGL!
• most efficient way: !
- clear color and depth buffer!
- set left modelview and project matrix, render scene only into red channel !
- clear depth buffer!
- set right modelview and project matrix, render scene only into green & blue
channels !
OpenGL Frame Buffers!
• usually (frame) buffers are provided by the window manager (i.e., your browser)!
• for most mono applications, two (double) buffers: back buffer and front buffer!
• render into back buffer; swap buffers when done rendering!
• advantage: rendering takes time, you don’t want the user to see how triangles
get drawn!
• in many stereo applications, 4 (quad) buffers: front/back left and right buffer !
• render left and right images into back buffers, then swap both together!
07 HMD Display Optics I
Stereo rendering for HMDs
使用makePerspective(left, right, top, bottom, near, far)和lookAt(eye, center, up)Lens distortion correcting using GLSL
08 Head Mounted Display Optics II
09 Inertial Measurement Units I
gyros, accelerometers, magnetometers
10 Inertial Measurement Units II
sensor fusion, complementary filter, arduino